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Top 6 Reasons To Eat Potatoes

potatoes benefits

Potato is known as carb substitute for rice . Even many diet that recommends replacing the consumption of rice or bread with potatoes . Because potato is believed to contain lots of fiber which is good for improving digestive health .Here are surprising benefit of potatoes for a healthy body .
  1. Potatoes were able to cope with minor burns . The trick is to use rubbing a raw potato to the   top of the burned skin . The water content in it can soothe burned skin .
  2. If you suffer from puffy eyes due to fatigue , you can compress the swollen eyes with a slice of raw potato .
  3. Potato capable of removing light stains on the skin such as removing turmeric stains that stick in hand .
  4. Potatoes are also beneficial for beauty . You can make a face mask of potatoes is beneficial to cool skin irritation .
  5. Was having headaches ? Try to massage your head with a raw potato .
  6.  In addition to the advantage of addressing burns , potatoes are also able to soothe itchy skin .

Those are some surprising benefits for your health potatoes . Interested to try it ?

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