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Top 4 Amazing Orange Benefits For Hair


Here are some benefits of orange to the hair , such as that reported by Boldsky .

1 . Reduce hair loss 

The content of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids present in oranges can help strengthen the hair roots and accelerates the regeneration of new hair . This is because both the content can improve blood circulation in the scalp .

2 . Natural Conditioner

 Mix the lemon juice with honey and pure water to taste and then smeared it evenly to all parts of the scalp and hair while shampooing . Let stand for 10-15 minutes , then you will be surprised with the results of the super- soft hair after it has dried .

3 . Make hair shiny

 Use citrus like wearing hair vitamins , with a mixture of honey , to make your hair more shiny . Let stand for 5-10 after evenly massaged into the hair and then rinse thoroughly with cold water .

4. Reduce dandruff
The skin turns orange really able to overcome the problem of dandruff. Grate orange peel and mix with lemon juice, apply on the entire scalp, massage gently and let stand for 25 minutes. The results will be seen after one month of treatment.

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