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3 Diet Patterns to Improve Endurance Body


You know , the body will remain healthy for the discipline of maintaining food intake . Even so , in the current flu season like this , you also need the right diet strategy that increases endurance . Here are three simple ways to manage your diet can improve your endurance .

1 . Enough vitamin D.
Health problems can you press when the body needs adequate vitamin D. Sources of vitamin D vary , can of salmon or fortified milk . If a source of vitamin D is difficult to be found , vitamin D supplements can help .

The study involved more than 300 Japanese children showed that children of supplements routine vitamin D ( 1,200 IU ) , 40 percent less exposed to the flu virus .

Adit Ginde , public health researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver said laboratory studies show nutrition helps immune cells to identify and destroy viruses that cause disease .

2 . Enough fiber .
Research on mice published in the journal Brain , Behavior and Immunity show diets rich in soluble fiber for six weeks of recovery from a bacterial infection .

Soluble fiber can be found from citrus fruits , apples , carrots , beans , and oats . Christina Sherry , researchers from the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor says foods rich in soluble fiber is effective against inflammation .

To enhance the body , asup 25-38 grams of soluble fiber a day , Sherry suggestions .

3 . Reduce daily calories .
Adults who are overweight can increase the body resistance of up to 50 percent by reducing calorie intake one-third of daily caloric intake .

Six-month study at Tufts University showed this . According to Simin Meydani , nutritionist - immunology from Tufts University says calorie restriction can reduce levels of compounds in the body that suppress the immune system response .

Calorie reduction also applies to adults of normal weight . " Try to maintain an ideal body weight in order to stay , " he advised .

Eat more than they should be lowered immune system . By reducing the number of daily meals , you will also be more focused on the quality of food . Try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables every day , and select protein such as fish , chicken , low-fat milk .
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