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Snoring: aids

Making of unintentionally unpleasing noises while sleeping at night is known as snoring. This noise is made when excess tissues in the nose, mouth and throat obstruct the airway and vibrate. Snoring is caused by many factors and is often not just a minor nuisance, it can be a major health risk. Obesity, sleep position and increasing age may also cause snoring as the muscles in the throat get loose. Depending on what the cause of the snoring is, there are many things that can be done about it.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

Many times snoring can be solved in other ways than surgery. One of them, used for apnea, is the CPAP. The CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) is a device which circulates air through the nose. This machine helps you to breathe more easily by opening your airways and helps you to breathe more freely. CPAP can be an effective way to treat sleep apnea. Those with severe symptoms have found this device very helpful and by the help of this device they now can sleep more comfortably. This appliance sometimes causes dryness of the mouth and can be uncomfortable to fit on your face.

If the problem is serious and structural, there may need to be surgery. In sinus surgery, the air chambers present on either side of nose and between eyes, called sinuses, are removed. There are our pairs of these chambers called frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethnocide. Any blockage of the drainage system of the sinuses such as that with allergies or colds can causes infection. The procedure is not painful. The patient is anesthetized and the nose is examined with an operating telescope. Micro instruments are used in the whole surgery to remove and any areas of the blockage. Serious complications will rarely occur in this surgery. Bleeding is the most serious potential consequence.

If you snore while sleeping on your back than you should try sleeping on your side. Sleeping on your back tends to make your snoring worse, as it makes your airway narrow by making your tongue to slide backwards. Sleeping on your side will help you solve the problem of snoring.

Sinus surgery

Air chambers present on either side of nose and between eyes are called sinuses. There are our pairs of these chambers called frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethnocide. Any blockage of the drainage system of the sinuses causes infection, which is usually caused when you are having allergies or cold. The surgery of sinus is not painful. The patient is anesthetized and the nose is examined with an operating telescope. These micro instruments are used in the whole surgery to remove and any areas of the blockage. Rarely, there are rare but serious complications in this surgery. Bleeding is the most serious.

Jaw positioning

Jaw positioning

Jaw positioning

A jaw positioning device pulls your tongue further away from sliding backwards to the back of the throat. Product such as these dental appliances will help cure snoring. These devices are designed by a dentist specializing in the ways to cure snoring. For some people the splint is not that comfortable, and in those cases a custom fitted is usually recommended.

By Ray James

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