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Add Green Tea for Health

We should all be grateful to the ancient Chinese for introducing to us the many wonders of the simple yet pleasurable cup of green tea.

Many many years ago in ancient China, green tea was known to cure headaches and depression. Nowadays, the benefits of green tea is making it popular and has increased the number of people regularly drinking this soothing drink.

Tea is actually available in many forms and varieties but basically there are three distinctively different types.

Whether black, green, or red, all tea starts from the harvesting of a warm weather evergreen known as Camellia Sinensis. Once the leaves are processed, this is where the differences in the end product happen.

The longer the leaves are processed, the darker the tea becomes. Thus, green tea is the kind which has undergone the least amount of processing.

Green tea is usually
a leaf that has been quickly steamed while the blacks and reds have been dried, crushed and fermented making them appear to be stronger and thus more potent.

Don't be misled by this visible characteristic, as many believe that the closer it is to its natural state, the more valuable the medicinal and healing properties.

Polyphenols exist in teas and it is an antioxidant which is known to protect our bodies from free radical damage.

ORAC score is used to measure antioxidant amounts, and tea scores higher than many fruits and vegetables. Because of this, you should seriously consider including tea in your daily diet.

In addition to preventing unwanted blood clotting, it has been shown that polyphenols may lower cholesterol levels. Drinking four to six cups a day may also decrease the risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers. A simple internet search will give you a long list of ailments, aches, and pains that can be cured through the daily intake of this non-prescription drink.

Among the ailments that have been cured are cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and impaired immune functions.

The benefits of drinking green tea also extends to the treatment of digestive disorders, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's while raising metabolism and increasing fat oxidation. It has also been found to help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes dental plaque.

Whatever your purpose for drinking green tea, it is obvious that everyone can get some benefit from daily intake.

It should be stated that many of today's more popular "herbal teas" may or may not be tea at all because these products have already been blended with herbs and spices with other plant parts included for flavoring.

These do not contain the health promoting qualities of Camellia Sinensis. Check the ingredients carefully and make sure that you are buying the product that you expect.

By Christian Goodman

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