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5 Top Drinks For Slimming Stomach


When the weather is hot , one cold soda or iced coffee with cream certainly very refreshing . But , be careful because the habit of drinking this beverage can make your weight go up .

Actually , you have other choice to drink other beverage that are no less refreshing and can help you lose weight and slimming stomach.

Here are 6 drinks for slimming stomach:

 1 . White Water 

Keeping the body hydrated is very important when you 're looking to lose weight . Drink enough water to maintain fluid balance , prevent rentensi fluid ( the main cause flatulence ) , and even increase satiety so that we can reduce food intake .
If you get bored with plain water , add slices of lemon , mint , or other fresh fruits into your drinking water .

2 . Watermelon Juice 

watermelon juice for slim stomach
Provided that the juice is not mixed with sugar , watermelon juice is a refreshing drink to eliminate hunger . Watermelon is a natural thirst reliever because of the high water content in the fruit . Another plus , this fruit contains many nutrients , including lycopene can prevent cancer and also the amino acid arginine can decrease body fat and increase muscle mass .

3 . Iced Tea Peppermint 


The combination of tea and peppermint has two benefits , refresh and help burn fat . Peppermint also has properties to help the body digest high-fat foods like steak or burgers .

4 . Green Tea 


This drink is always on the list of healthy beverages . The content of catechins in it proved to effectively destroy fat . Eating a cup of green tea before exercise can optimize the process of fat burning during exercise .

5 . Chocolate
Milk Shake 

Make no mistake , chocolate milkshake could actually help the process of weight loss by reducing appetite . Even so , because the content is quite high calorie drinks , which is 400 calories , you should not consume milkshakes along with a heavy diet .
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